In my last blog I outlined the existing way that most venues are teaching work readiness; why those methods do more harm than good; and what the correct way to effectively teach work readiness is. If you have not read that blog (THERE IS A RIGHT WAY AND A WRONG WAY TO TEACH WORK READINESS) please do so before continuing to read this posting.
work ready
This write-up assumes that the previous blog was read.When I outlined my philosophy on the ideal work readiness training program, I purposely left out point #9 which deals with the proper venue for implementing a competency-based work readiness training program. Point #9 is detailed below:
work readiness training
(9) The program must be offered in a controlled, stand-alone environment where outside forces and pressures cannot have an impact on the participants’ ability to complete all competencies. There cannot be a “higher authority” (a parent, a supervisor, a principal, a guidance counselor, a dean, another instructor, etc.) who can provide a reason or excuse for the participant to fail, postpone, reschedule, or not participate in a competency. If this environment exists, the program is teaching “loopholes” to the participants, especially to those who work the system or fabricate excuses.
work readiness school
Therefore, a stand alone Work Readiness Training Center or Institute is the ideal venue for effectively teaching work readiness. I currently have a 170-hour intensive program and am looking for the ideal location to implement a stand alone Training Center or Institute (at an existing location). If you want your county or city to be considered, please email me ( and write “location for school” in the subject field to ensure your email is not discarded as junk mail. This Work Readiness Training Center or Institute will garner the reputation of the “Harvard” of employee development and will be a big draw for major companies to relocate to your area.
work readiness program
work readiness consultant
Obviously, point #9 above excludes implementing my ideal work readiness program in high schools, and even possibly in some colleges. There are many reasons why that is so, however, the main two are that it is difficult to have the business community the priority and main client over the student in a program funded by the government, and that students at that age are not in control of their lives so there will be “work arounds” regarding the demonstrated competencies which builds loopholes into the process and makes the “certification” unreliable to the business community.
work readiness book
Therefore, as much as I dislike assessment-based programs for work readiness, that is the method that has to be used in high schools. Demonstrated competencies will be too unreliable, hence doing more harm than good as the business community relies on those demonstrated skills.
job search
However, the way most states have positioned work readiness programs in schools within their assessment-based programs, is ineffective. While testing for grades is important, the emphasis still needs to be on the curriculum, not a certification test.
foundation management
The age and experiences of the students must be taken into account when teaching work readiness in the high school. My book, HOW TO GET, KEEP AND BE WELL PAID IN A JOB (website for book) with associated lesson plans, exercises, role plays, and yes assessments is the best way to teach work readiness in high school. The book covers why specific workplace skills and behaviors are important to employers and uses real life examples that the students can relate to, to make key points (for example, music downloads are discussed in the chapter on ethics). The goal of my program is to educate the class on how and why workplaces operate as they do, even more than educating the class on what the correct behaviors and skills are. The program is also engaging as it encourages debating on workplace skills and behaviors through interesting case studies. Contact me (voicemail: 561-842-9942 or email JayGoldberg@DTRConsulting.BIZ) if you want to implement my program at your school.
corporate management
human resources
I believe one of the keys to solving the workplace crisis lies in laying a foundation of proper workplace ethics in middle school students. However, here the goal is just that, laying a foundation. I have a concept paper written on an innovative way to accomplish this. It does not involve books, and does not involve lesson plans. What is holding me back from pursuing this is that I want the product distributed free to all middle schools. This means that my best partner for this endeavor is a foundation that is concerned with work readiness, education, or youth at risk. Another potential partner is a state (or the federal) government. If any such individual reads this blog and would like to discuss this further please contact me (see above). This idea is revolutionary, will work, and is the perfect learning vehicle for middle school students. In fact, I can see this information delivery system being expanded into subjects beyond work readiness.
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